today was chinese new year celebration! it was so fun.. we sang songs, saw performances and just .. HAVE FUN! but the thing is that we were allowed to wear our own clothes and asserize urself.. I wore a red (qi pao type) top and white bottom. did i mention i love red the colour? anyway, after the celebration, we had recess. well, i barely ate a thing i bought a drink . During recess i actually had to hang up our posters. Soon after, recess was over.. we had to do this chinese penmanship and the best writing would win. I didn't think mine was nice at all! After that, we have to use red packets and cut out shpes to make tesselation.. After i finished that, we got some free time to do our own things. I did some stickers but soon my friends came and helped me out.. I really want to thank them (they made nice stickers!) Finally it was 1.30 and we got to go home..
I hope i will be able to make a new layout..
my class has a blog.. wanna check out? go to "links"
Hello, it's Adeline.
I'm a gemini.
I really like Music and playing my Guitar.
In the land of Spare Oom where eternal summer reigns around the bright city of War Drobe;